Article 1
With these rules and regulations, the board of the “Milan Mladenović” Foundation determines the matters regarding “Milan Mladenović” award (hereinafter: the Award).
Article 2
The Award has been established to promote the art of music marked by the features that are characteristic of Milan Mladenović’s artistic legacy.
Article 3
The Award is given annually on the day of Mladenović’s birth, on September 21st, for a piece of music with words, marked by high artistic value.
Article 4
The competition for the Award is open to all the authors of music pieces with words, in any of the languages spoken in the former Yugoslav republics.
The right to apply for the award is given to author/interpreter who, under the name under which he applies for the contest, released his first song ever after January 1, 2017.
One author or group of authors can apply with only one piece of music – a song. In case one author or a group of authors apply with more than one piece, only one of the applications will be considered i.e., the first submitted one.
The pieces submitted for consideration must be released between 1st June 2023. and 31st May 2024. The pieces will be considered released if they have been, in the mentioned period, permanently made accessible to the public, either by the artist or by an authorized third party, either on an analogue sound storage medium or via digital distribution platforms.
Only the pieces – songs – recorded with professional equipment, i.e., the recordings that satisfy certain technical and professional standards will be taken into consideration. The pieces recorded using mobile phones, amateur or live recordings and similar, will not be taken into consideration.
Article 5
The Award consists of a certificate and prize money.
The certificate displays a text which contains the information about the author and the awarded piece of music, the year when the award is given, the signatures of the jury members and the signature of the president of the Foundation.
The amount of the prize is determined by the board.
Article 6
The Foundation announces the call for the Award participation on its website, through print media and social networks, every year no later than 1st May.
Applications can be made by the authors, performers, or music publishers through the website www.milanmladenovic.com, no later than 31st May.
The application must also include the authorization by the applicant for the Foundation to release the piece of music on the compilation of the finalists mentioned in Article 10, in case the submitted piece of music is selected among the 12 best in that year’s call.
Article 7
Personal information of the applicants is confidential and is treated according to the Law on Personal Data Protection.
Article 8
The administrative work related to the call, including keeping and processing information about the authors and the applied works is done by the Foundation.
Before announcing the call for the current year, the board of the Foundation names the jury of five members.
All the timely applications that fulfil the general conditions of the call will be e-mailed to the members of the jury by the Foundation.
The applied pieces – songs – are sent to the members of the jury in alphabetical order, by titles, without information about the authors and performers.
In the first round, each member of the jury makes a list of 12 songs which they recommend for the shortlist.
According to the first round, the Foundation makes a shortlist.
In the next round, each of the jury members makes a list of 12 songs out of the shortlisted ones, ranking them from the best down.
The final ranking and the winner are chosen after all the votes by all the members of the jury have been counted, according to the scoring system determined by the Foundation. In case two or more shortlisted songs score the same number of votes after the second round, the members of the jury will perform yet another round of voting.
Jury sessions can be held via conference calls or other form of communication equipment.
After the voting and scoring have been completed, the Foundation compiles a report which contains the information about the number of the pieces in the competition, about the winner, and the titles of all the shortlisted pieces.
The members of the jury receive a fee defined by the Board of the Foundation.
Article 9
Should the jury decide none of the applicants’ songs meet the values that the award implies, the award will not be granted that year.
Milan Mladenovic Award can be given to one author or a group of authors only once.
Article 10
Every year, the Foundation will release a promotional compilation of 12 songs that have achieved the best placement in the competition, with an idea to leave a trace of the current music scene.
Article 11
The Foundation will publish the decision about the Award and the report on the jury votes on its website and in print and electronic media.
The Award is given by the President of the Board or another member of the Board appointed by the President, at the event organized by the “Milan Mladenovic” Foundation.
Article 12
These Rules enter into force on the day of their public announcement on the Foundation’s website.
Belgrade, 25th March 2024
President of the Board of the Foundation
Maja Maričić